The 4th Annual Eric Carrier Classic on May 18, 2013 was a big success. Through the generosity of all the sponsors, volunteers, golfers, bingo players, merchants, and many others making donations the event raised a little over $40,000 just passing our goal (slogan of Forty in Four) and surpassing the $37,000 record set last year! A sincere THANK YOU to everyone for supporting the cause.
We had a bit of a bumpy ride to get here this year with flooding resulting in us moving the outing during the last two weeks (from Wallinwood Springs to Gleneagle Golf Club). The number of participants was down a bit from last year also due flooding. A few foursomes had to drop out in the final days as various sporting events were unfortunately rescheduled to the same day as our event. But it still consisted of 88 golfers, over 50 bingo players, over 25 volunteers, along with many more coming out to support the cause while also remembering our Eric and helping many other families who are battling Childhood Cancer that takes too many lives each year.
Thank you for all the support. Start recruiting a foursome for next year!. We are targeting May 17, 2014 - again what a great way to celebrate Eric’s birthday – playing golf or bingo while helping to fight childhood cancer.